List of products by brand Le Masse di Lamole
One of the highest estates of the whole Chianti Classico area, with vineyards reaching 700 meters of altitude, where Sangiovese plays with warm and fresh sensations with vibrant tannins, writing complex and amusing taste plots which are even more enriched with the help of particular woods, such as the big centuries-old chestnut barrels used for the prudimentation of Chianti Classico.
Note of merit for a very small production of White Wine, "Cortacci di Lamole" produced with Trebbiano and Malvasia with percentages which change according to the vintage, produced without the help of technology but simply vinified in fiberglass and left on lees for about months, a convincing expression of a Bianco Lamolese.
Le Masse di Lamole
This small family winery in Lamole run by AnnaMaria and Giuliano is considered one of the highest in the whole Chianti Classico area . The Chianti Classico 2017 is a simple , sincere , fresh and authentic wine . After fermentation in steel without temperature control of Sangiovese grapes , the wine rests in chestnut barrels built 100 years ago . This wine...